Tag Archives: J.K. Rowling

Books Will Benefit Your Child


It’s early. The sun has not yet rose over the horizon to shed its rays upon my dark world. I sit before my keyboard in a house that is almost completely silent except for the faint gurgling of the coffee maker. So while I wait for a new dawn to announce that it’s time to begin the day, I will tell you a story. Continue reading

Who Do You Write For?


“I just write what I wanted to write. I write what amuses me. It’s totally for myself.” ~ J. K. Rowling

It seems like writers are always being asked this question- “Why do you write?” For me, the answer is simple. Because I love stories. As far back as I can remember, stories have always been my greatest treasures. Two of my fondest memories from childhood involve books and they are the reason I write. Continue reading